Thursday, 6 December 2012

Been running outside in the cold

I have been running on and off, but in the last month I have been running around the block. I have got a route that I can do 5k so I am trying to run that without stopping to walk.

I am finding the motivation very difficult as the days as got very short. I generally go out about 6pm, it is dark at this point and recently has been getting colder.
I have just recently bought a Nike Vapor Light jacket, this has helped in keeping the cold air and wind off me, but it does have a couple of areas where it allows to breath. I is shower proof, but being a dry weather runner I am not going to test that part of it out.
I can’t run the 5k without stopping to walk a good handful of times, this is a bit annoying but it is the best I can do at the moment. I am also finding that I have very sore lower legs after the run and find it very difficult to walk around for the first 30 minutes when I get home.
I am aiming at running 3 times a week the same circuit with the first goal of not stopping to walk as many times and the final goal is to run without stopping to walk at all.
I went out yesterday and found that once I had uploaded the data to the Garmin Connect site I had done a 5k in a 30:30 which is very good for me. I don’t think I can better that at the moment, but you never know.

Garmin Connect – Run around the block (5k)